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Before reading this text, we will do 4 steps:

1st: Get up.

2nd: Go to your closet.

3rd: Put on the most beautiful high heels that you have.

4th: Look yourself in the mirror.

How does it feel? Do you feel more confident, powerful and with that extraordinary feeling that you have the whole world in the palm of your hand? Well, this is the power of high heels!

It is highly noticeable the change of silhouette after putting on a pair of high heels, like the curvature of your back. The more elongated and turned legs is one of the changes that stilettos cause in our body. High heels have a real power to transform the way we see and feel. They are capable of changing our posture, the way we walk, our attitude and self-esteem.

All of this is not just psychological, research shows and has scientifically proven that all of this has a real impact on us and everyone around us. Mainly, men, who become just like melted butter with a woman in 10 centimeters high heels.

Let's go to the surveys:

An experiment composed of 4 women in flat shoes, approaching 45 men and 45 women with questions about gender equality. The numbers fluctuate between 41% of collaboration between men. The same experiment was done with the same women, but this time with high heels, as a result, the number change to 81% collaboration.

Among women, the numbers remain almost identical, at 30%.

Can we all agree that this is the way to get everything we want, without getting off the heels? Check!

Our tip is: Invigorate yourself and don't be discouraged by this period at home. Put on high heels around the room, change your Bleenks. Test the Rosso in that basic black heel, or Stardust in that pink one. It is proven to do us good and your powerful self thanks you!

Going out every day armed with no weapon but with high heels on your feet is all a woman needs to show the world her true power.

Poor little girl the one who never put on high heels, even more without Bleenk...

Posted in: Trends