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SOS - heels in danger!

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SOS - heels in danger!

Hands up if you were ever afraid of falling of your high hells on a deck!

Yes, we see you, we all raise our hands.

It is not unsual going to an outdoor event or even just walking down the street and being afraid of all those bumps and gaps. The most simple situations like using an escalator can turn into terrifying moments. One minute of silence to all of us whom have suffered through these moments.

The good news is that women, have all kind of solutions for those situations. Especially the high heel lovers who never give up from being one step closer to the clouds!

Different models of high heels shoes give us options to complete the look without sacrificing the height, for example wedge heels, platforms and wide high heels.

With an unified heel, the platform heels are good alternatives for women looking for stability. Plataform heels can be very delicate, turning them into good substitutes for more refined events.

Wedge heels, diferente from platforms, have an even more unified heel that cover all the surface of the feet. These high heels are an excellent option for those looking for a few more inches. Because they are more heavy and bulky looking heels they require a soft touch when putting a look together. 

And finally we have the wide heel. Wide heels are a tendency during the summer and have a multitude of designs and materials. These are, from the options we have shown, the more flexible ones. You can find from braided to simple ones and in a lot of different materials, like wood.

With these options, besides feeling more stable and secure, we have comfortable solutions with amazing designs that come in an array of options to change it up every day.

Neverthless, hands up if you are not giving up on the stiletto!

Stiletto lovers will always be among us, and guess what...we have a solution for you too!

Besides worrying with being comfortable to face those 20km marathons that are in fact 200 meters, we want to assure our safety, balance and that our high heels remain intact. A good option is Bleenk, the great ally on those occasions where we put our high heels in danger.

Bleenk can resurrect those damaged high heels, but also protect and preserve the more unprotected and fragile area of the heel. Bleenk design embraces the heel so that the most exposed area is protected. With a wide variety of colours, you also have the option of the SOS Kit that comes with four colours for all occasions, Red, Black, Gold and Silver, all the essentials for our beloved stilettos!

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